
How Many Advantages Can Poultry Slaughter Automation Give You?

From home kitchens to restaurants, poultry meat is among the highest demanded goods. Their consistent supply keeps the life cycle going. In many slaughterhouses, millions of birds are slaughtered in each country to be supplied to many markets. This leads to a massive demand for poultry meat for mouth-watering dishes. You can cook them at home or have dinner in a restaurant. But what helps these suppliers manage that large butchering at a rapid speed?  Chicken, ducks, geese, and turkey are the most common types of birds that are consumed around the world. Chicken has the largest share in the consumption graph, which is famous everywhere in the world. A sustainable business needs poultry slaughter equipment to meet that pace and standard. After all, every business needs automation through high-tech machines and equipment. They help to keep hygiene and performance at the top. All of these benefits help to keep consumers safe from diseases and several risk factors. No poultry business can afford to face any problem like that. To understand the main advantages of using automation in this industry, you can read these five main highlights. Hygienic Process This process is much more hygienic because of stainless steel equipment. Since we can easily wash the entire setup without any fear of rust, it is cleaner than a traditional setup. Bacteria do not last long on stainless steel as compared to plastic and wood. You can rely on them. The bacterial growth can be curbed with the help of anti-bacterial sprays. Also, you can use heating equipment on them to kill germs easily. We all agree that most slaughterhouses have ugly smells because of flesh residuals. This increases the chances of the growth of germs in the equipment. Consequently, that equipment can transfer those germs to meat. That’s why you need slaughter equipment of stainless steel.  Less Labor Cost When you go for automation, the biggest benefit comes in the form of labor costs. You can save a huge chunk of cost in this way. Moreover, this adds consistency to your poultry slaughtering results. All you need to do is use a specific mode with a balanced speed. One-by-one, all the birds can be slaughtered and cleaned in a simple manner. There will be the cost of electricity consumption mostly. Furthermore, the cost of electricity is less than the labor cost in this field. Since slaughtering requires the energy of a laborer, your machine will not get tired after hours of usage.   Fast Plucking of Birds’ Skin  If we look at how it works, there are a few steps from initial slaughtering to the removal of feathers. All of these steps will take place within a few minutes. Manual plucking creates a mess of feathers but not in the case of automatic machines. All you need to do is let the chicken feather plucking machine do its job. It will remove feathers and will give you cleaned meat of chicken. Also, it will keep the meat clean and safe.  Safer than Traditional Method This method is much safer than the traditional method. In the traditional method, there are some flaws. Automation helps to reduce those flaws by eliminating every unnecessary move. You can use slaughtering equipment to avoid any cuts and abrasions. Moreover, they are heat resistant and can help you in many ways. Using plastic or wooden equipment can be problematic in terms of germs and safety. To eliminate that risk, you can use stainless-steel slaughter equipment.  Fewer Chances of Error  Since there is less labor involvement, it has higher efficiency. You will get higher efficiency, which will reduce errors in the entire process. No more inconsistent results in this modern method because this is what every poultry industry needs. It will also help supply poultry meat at consistent speed and quality. If you get poultry slaughter equipment with high efficiency, you will never go back to traditional mode. It will help you reach your objectives on time. In this industry of poultry, you can start your business with the help of automatic machines and just a few laborers. Most of the activities will take place with the help of machines. That’s how time is changing.  Each factor is important here, and you can manage this poultry business with the help of automation, mainly in this modern world.

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How to Set up a Sustainable Poultry Processing Plant?

The poultry processing business is extremely lucrative in the world. The chicken people purchase from a superstore is processed in a plant. There are various kinds of chicken processing plants, including cutting plants, packaging plants, poultry slaughterhouses, and other businesses that sell processed or cooked poultry items to superstores and other markets. If people want to begin a chicken processing business, there are different factors to consider before starting the procedure. Some of them are given below. 1. Know the Local Regulations and get the Necessary Permits The first thing people must do is find out whether any regulations or rules are applied to their business. This is essential as it will help people circumvent penalties and fines for not complying with the regulations. People should be aware of the requirements of the laws and rules, like how many chickens they could process daily or how much fees people need to pay to get the licenses. People should get all the necessary permits before beginning their poultry processing business. 2. Be Aware of the Target Market It is essential for people to know who is their target market. This would help people decide on the items that they will be selling. It would also help ensure that people are effectively marketing their poultry items. If people want to sell their poultry items to the public, they will need to be aware of the public’s preferences. This is necessary as various people have various choices and various tastes. If people are targeting a particular group of people, like hotels or restaurants, then they will have to conduct research on their wants. Nevertheless, the frozen chicken market is always there. 3. Hire a Professional or Consultant you need Recruiting a professional or consultant when beginning a poultry processing business is a nice idea. They can advise people about how to establish a lucrative poultry processing business and the poultry processing equipment which people will require to run it. People can also employ a consultant or professional to work for them on their poultry processing farm. 4. Select the Right Location The poultry processing plant’s location is also significant. If people want to set up a poultry processing plant, they must find an area with an excellent market for poultry products. It is also necessary that people find a region where they are sufficient people to purchase their products. The poultry processing plant must be away from contaminants and a chicken farm. People need to find an area where they can conveniently and simply process chickens. They need to ensure that the area where they set up a poultry processing plant is clean and well-ventilated. The magnitude of your poultry processing business is also significant. If you want to begin a poultry processing facility, find an area where there is sufficient area to produce poultry items. It must be huge enough to accommodate the storage facilities and machinery. People must also ensure adequate space for transportation and storage of the products. Please remember to find an area where there is sufficient water supply. This is essential as chicken processing needs a lot of water. Apart from that, it would help if you found a place with nice transportation services. This is essential as the products would be transported from the processing facility to the market. You must also find an area where they are many workers. 5. Waste and Sewage Disposal The next thing people must do is to ensure that they have appropriate sewage and waste disposal system. They should also ensure that the chicken processing region is well-sealed to ensure that no smell escapes. This is why people must select the appropriate location where waste disposal is easy and would not result in environmental hazards. 6. Get an Architectural Plan and begin Building the Plant People would need to get an architectural plan and begin establishing the structures. This is an extremely essential step as it would decide how their poultry processing business would look like. They could also employ an architectural expert to do this for them. 7. Source of Electrical Energy to power the Poultry Processing Facility There are three major sources of electricity to supply energy to the poultry processing facility. These include solar, generator, and the national grid. If people want to establish their poultry processing business in an urban region, then they could access the national energy grid. This is the most cost-efficient and convenient method to get electricity for their poultry processing facility. They can access the national energy grid by imbursing monthly charges to the local power distribution company. The cost of these charges depends upon the business’s size, location, and the amount of energy they use. Apart from the monthly payments, people will also have to pay for the electric power they utilize. People can also get power supply from a generator. Nevertheless, this is more costly than the national energy grid. They can also produce electricity by installing and operating solar panels as diesel is quite expensive. 8. Purchase the Appropriate Machinery and Equipment The next step which people must take is to purchase the appropriate equipment. People must acquire the appropriate machinery to process chickens. The machinery must be simple to utilize and hygienic. It must also be safe for its employees and not occupy a lot of space. 9. Hire the Right Staff People should hire employees who process chickens in a good manner. They must be skilled and trained in the job. The workers must also be hardworking and honest. People might have to train their workers if they have not processed chickens before. Training the workers might indeed require a lot of resources and time, but it would be useful in the end. 10. Install the Machinery and Equipment After buying the appropriate chicken processing machinery, people must install it. The first action people must take is to guarantee that the poultry processing machinery is installed in a sanitary and clean atmosphere. People should ensure that the place in which they are installing the machinery is free from dust, dirt, and other pollutants. You also need to ensure that the place is well-ventilated. Then, people must clean the machinery by utilizing a sanitizing solution or water and soap. Safety must be people’s priority when cleaning or using machinery. Workers must wear protective clothing and utilize a sanitizing fluid that is safe for preparing food. 11. Train the Employees appropriately People should train poultry processing workers and ensure that they follow the safety processes. They must also train them on how to deal with the commodities so that they do not pollute them. People must give training to the staff to deal with emergencies. They must also give the poultry processing workers protective clothing such as boots, headcovers, nose masks, gloves, and overalls. These would avert the employees from infecting the meat and help them securely deal with the commodities. 12. Begin Chicken Business Operations After the machines and buildings are prepared, people can begin processing chickens immediately. They could also purchase chicken from home-grown farmers and process them for sale. People could sell their processed chickens to restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, and to other eateries. 

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How Poultry are slaughtered and Processed for Meat?

Broiler birds (meat chickens) might take up to seven weeks to reach market weight. Workers trained in humane care arrive at the farm to collect each chicken by hand once they've attained the appropriate size and weight. During this operation, chickens are put into holding cages or modular bins created for transit to the processing facility to ensure that birds do not injure themselves or other birds and that air may circulate. We've broken down the remaining phases of how chickens are slaughtered and processed for meat to explain them in greater depth. Step 1: Arrival at the Processing Plant The well-being of chickens is carefully monitored while they are reared on the farm, and the same is true during their brief journey to the processing factory. The birds don't go large distances because this excursion is usually less than 60 miles distant. Step 2: Stunning Workers trained in humane handling delicately hold the birds by their feet on a moving line after they arrive at the processing factory. The hens get quiet in a couple of seconds thanks to "rub bars," which create a pleasant touch on the chicken's breast. This, in conjunction with dim illumination, is used to soothe birds. Every effort is made in modern poultry processing factories to process hens fast and painlessly. Before the killing, they are made unconscious and painless. The predominant method of stunning broilers before slaughter in the United States s "electrical stunning." It is the most often used way of putting birds asleep. A few establishments in the United States use controlled atmosphere stunning (CAS) devices for broilers. Carbon dioxide is used in these systems to render birds insensible. Another CAS system stuns birds by lowering the air pressure. Step 3: Slaughter To avoid the agony, technology has made slaughter incredibly rapid. While a single slash to the throat of an unconscious bird is often successful, if the blade happens to miss for whatever reason, skilled professionals are on hand to immediately euthanize any surviving birds. Proper equipment maintenance and this backup “human” mechanism are critical to a quick and humane killing procedure. Step 4: “Evisceration” Following the killing, the feathers of the birds are removed. This is required to prepare the bird for processing. This is done by immersing the chicken in hot water for a few minutes to loosen the feathers. A "picker" machine with hundreds of tiny rubber "fingers" that involve extracting the feathers is used to remove them. After the feathers have been removed, the birds are taken to an "eviscerating" line where internal organs and feet, commonly known as "paws," are removed. Every component of the bird is used; for example, in Asian nations, chicken feet are considered a delicacy, while feathers are converted and used as protein in specific animal feed. Step 5: Cleaning and Chilling After the organs have been removed, the carcasses are washed and examined. Water and an organic rinse may be applied to each bird as an additional strategy to decrease bacteria. Any substance used for this purpose is strictly regulated by the USDA and certified for use in food production. According to research, using these rinses does not endanger human health; somewhat, it improves the wholesomeness of completed products. Before this procedure, which includes freezing the birds to keep them fresh and clean, corporate quality assurance and food safety professionals verify them for quality, food safety, and wholesomeness. Step 6: “Second Processing” The carcass is usually sliced and deboned after being adequately tested and refrigerated to fit various products. These goods may include fresh or frozen chicken sold in supermarkets, chicken utilized in restaurants, or chicken exported, depending on the manufacturing facilities. This provides convenience items available in "tray-packs" at your local grocery store, like drumsticks, thighs, leg quarters, wings, breasts, and other things. Overall, each piece of chicken is evaluated for quality, wholesomeness, and food safety before reaching customers, with over 300 safety checks performed along the process. Step 7: Packaging and shipping After the chicken is chopped into pieces, it is placed in trays and wrapped. The wrapped goods are then re-evaluated to verify that they meet or exceed the standards of both the consumer and the customer. The goods are next run through a metal detector to confirm that there is nothing in the packaging that does not belong there. Finally, the chicken has arrived at your neighborhood market. Trailers are examined before being loaded onto trucks to ensure they are in good working order and are adequately cooled and cleaned. After completing a shipping load, the trailer is sealed with a tamper-evident seal. To maintain product safety and wholesomeness, the seal is not broken until the product reaches the buyer. Manufacturers of Poultry slaughter equipment provide the highest-quality chicken processing machinery and equipment, facilitating easy and fast meat processing.

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Buyer Guide for Poultry Processing Equipment

Poultry processing is a procedure of preparing meat from different types of birds which is consumed by humans. Turkeys and chicken are the most popular form of poultry. However, other profitable poultry meats that are available come from geese, ducks, pheasants, quails, pigeons, emus, and ostriches.  So now you have thought to upraise and process your chicken meat, the research is done, and you know how the perfect broiler is raised. Now you are getting ready for poultry processing day. It is necessary to be prepared and to get ready all the processing equipment before butchering. You will focus more on how to handle your chickens when all the equipment and tools are already prepared. Fresh Water for Poultry Processing We will discuss other equipment later, but the first thing you need is to have access to water. Some individuals are okay with buckets of water passed to the procession station, but it is more convenient to set up your station right next to a running water source. Water will be used for four things: Washing and cleaning your hands, tools, knives, and the birds. Scalding of the birds, that is, if you are defeathering birds by using a scalder. Water is also used to run a plucker, like if you are going to use an automatic plucker. In washing the carcass, if you de-feathered the bird and then sock in it, you move to the next bird. This process is done to make them cool after scalding is done and later store all of them while working on the remaining flock. So, make your best efforts to get close to a clean water source. It should also be drinkable water, either from a private well or from city water. It must not be water crossed over a garden hose, as they are considered inappropriate for food processing methods. Ice The ice will be used to cool and chill the birds, and you might use it to regulate the temperature of the scalder. At your processing station, you may place it in a cooler.  Soap and Disinfectant You will need soap and disinfectant to wash all the areas where you have done the processing of chicken. This step will ensure the protection of the health and safety of meat consumers. Moreover, it is good to use soaps and sanitizers to wash up and clean between chickens, particularly when you encounter unhealthy chicken that is non-consumable. You have to be careful when cutting internal parts of your chicken as you process the birds. If the organs are cut accidentally, the meat will be contaminated. So, in order to avoid such mishaps, make sure to wash your hands and clean your tools between birds. Sterilizing Equipment You can buy sterilizing machines, or you can also sterilize your equipment or tools yourself. It is convenient to have a sterilizer on hand if you contact any unhealthy bird. Bags, Buckets, and Trash Bins If you have a large flock, it will be better to have access to more trash bags, bins, and buckets. These things are beneficial for catching the blood and keeping the area clean when draining it. Poultry Processing Cones Poultry processing cones are very helpful when cutting the carotid artery or beheading the chicken because they make handling easier by holding the chicken in place when dispatching. It also helps in providing an area to put the carcass. The blood drains out from the body at the same time. Dispatching Aids for Poultry Processing There are a few options to study what you use to dispatch your chicken: Hatchet and Block In this case, you will put the chicken neck between two nails precisely placed on the chopping block and then remove the head from the body. This process is called the beheading method. Cone and Poultry Killing Knife If you chose to cut chickens’ throats, you would need a sharp knife for chicken processing. For this method, ensure proper knife sharpers if you are processing a larger flock. Broomstick Method The broomstick is used as a process of breaking the chicken’s neck. It can be done by using a hand or with the help of a broomstick. Co2 Chamber This method requires a Co2 chamber, gas, and patience for chicken processing. Pellet Gun Pellet gun creates stress for the chicken that causes hormone flow and results in hard meat. It is essential to keep your chicken calm and maintain quality meat. Poultry processing machinery is widely used in many chicken processing sectors. It depends on personal preference whether to choose any of the above methods or tools for processing the chicken. FAQ How much does poultry processing equipment cost? The cost of poultry processing equipment can vary depending on the particular machine. However, the average cost of a poultry processing machine is around $10,000. What are the benefits of using poultry processing equipment? The benefits of using poultry processing equipment include faster and more efficient production, decreased labor costs, and increased safety. What are the most common poultry processing problems? The most common poultry processing problems are improper chilling, improper sanitizing, and contamination by harmful bacteria and viruses.    

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Benefits of Using Poultry Slaughter Accessories

Poultry farming refers to raising domestic birds like geese, ducks, turkeys, and chickens to produce eggs, meat, manure, down, and features. Huge numbers of poultry birds are farmed. Chickens are the most farmed poultry birds. Over fifty billion chickens are raised yearly as a food source for both their eggs and meat. Usually, the chickens farmed for producing eggs are known as layers, whereas chickens farmed for producing meat are known as broilers. Poultry farming is a quite profitable business for those poultry farmers who do it correctly under acceptable conditions and methods favorable for birds. This is because poultry eggs and meat are among the most widely consumed animal-source foods globally, across diverse religions and cultures. Their consumption has rapidly risen in the previous decades. There are several factors responsible for the rising demand for poultry eggs and meat.  These include increasing urbanization, population growth, and increasing incomes in less developed countries. Chicken is the most consumed meat. This is because it has low fat, faces few cultural and religious barriers, and is affordable in general. It is quite likely that the demand for poultry eggs and meat will increase because of increasing individual consumption and the growth of the population. The poultry meat market is expected to rise irrespective of income or region level, with per capita growth a bit greater in less developed countries than in developed countries.  Generally, urban and semi-urban areas residents consume poultry meat and eggs produced by intensive poultry farming systems, either imported or locally produced. The information given above might have lured you towards poultry farming for producing meat as it is enough to tell you that if you set up a poultry farm even for only producing only chicken meat. Then your efforts would not be wasted. With a rise in the demand for chicken in the global market, it is likely mainly that poultry farming would be profitable for you and get a good return on your investment in that poultry farm. You can do so by hiring experienced workers, ensuring the health and proper housing of birds, selling birds with a marketable weight, and employing efficient poultry appliances and equipment. Benefits of Poultry Slaughter Accessories For producing poultry meat, it is necessary to slaughter chickens, birds, geese, and ducks. Therefore, you need to buy poultry slaughtering equipment from a well-known exporter to slaughter poultry birds. The conventional method of slaughtering poultry is comparatively backward; the employment of poultry slaughtering machines for slaughtering poultry has various advantages, which are given below 1 High Automation If you use poultry slaughtering equipment for poultry slaughtering, then the entire poultry slaughtering process will be controlled by a computer, and therefore it will be highly automated. 2 High Efficiency  The conventional poultry slaughtering done by people is quite slow as few people can slaughter a few chickens only. However, by using poultry slaughtering equipment, poultry slaughtering can be very efficiently done faster. In addition to that, poultry slaughter done by poultry slaughter equipment can also save labor costs.  3 Easy to Operate The conventional method of slaughtering poultry is manually slaughtering poultry, which is not easy to do, especially when many chickens need to be slaughtered. Contrary to that, slaughtering poultry with poultry slaughter equipment is easy to do provided that the poultry birds are pulled down beside it and trapped for carrying out the mechanized process. 4 Health The conventional way of slaughtering poultry birds is not healthy. This is because often, the poultry slaughtering staff cannot wash poultry birds, especially when a large number of poultry birds are slaughtered. In addition to that, the poultry slaughtering staff does not follow a quarantine system before slaughtering poultry birds. These two factors can cause health problems. Therefore, it is better to employ poultry slaughter equipment for slaughtering poultry as it follows a complete quarantine system that reduces health problems related to slaughtering poultry.  Briefly, suppose you are running a poultry farming business and need to slaughter poultry birds. In that case, you should consider buying high-quality poultry slaughtering equipment to slaughter poultry in the best possible manner for meeting your business objectives, such as maximization of profits, market share, and sales revenue. Read More: Benefits of Using Poultry Slaughter Accessories  

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Ways to Meet the Hygiene Requirements of the Poultry House

Hygiene should always be given the first priority when one is dealing with meat or poultry or anything that people are going to consume. Poor hygiene practices usually lead to outbreaks of food-borne illnesses. Such conditions also negatively impact the overall economics by reducing sales, consumer confidence, damaged brand reputation, and sometimes legal actions. It is always better to give utmost importance to the sanitary conditions of the meat and poultry processing equipment for the sake of the health of consumers and employees. To take proper care, it is mandatory to fulfill the hygiene requirements of the meat and poultry processing equipment. Follow this article to discover the best techniques. Establish a Plan The best poultry houses are the ones with a proper set cleaning and disinfection program. It must be the key agenda of the slaughterhouses to take care of the hygiene of their consumers, employees, and everyone in the surrounding. The first goal should be to set a plan, subsequently fix the detailing dates and times of the regular cleaning of labor and equipment needed. All such things should be executed prior to depleting the poultry house. Control insects There are a number of equipment inside the slaughterhouse of chickens, and for their proper functioning, you must keep its area free of insects. First, to control the insects roaming around near the slaughtering equipment, wear suitable protective equipment and spray the farm’s interior with any insecticide as soon as the herd is removed, but make sure the house is still warm. This treatment must be perfected before fumigation.  Remove dust It must be the duty of the assigned poultry house personnel to remove all dust and cobwebs from the durable chicken slaughtering equipment as well as all the interior surfaces. Pre-spray After removing the spray, apply a detergent solution with the help of a spray bottle all over the equipment and broiler house interior. It is essential to moisten any leftover dust. Make sure you are still wearing the safety equipment and shut the curtains in case you are working on the open-sided poultry houses. Remove Equipment The next crucial thing to keep in mind is to take out all the equipment from the poultry and raise automatic drinkers and feeders. Remove And Dispose of Litter Dealing with poultry means dealing with lots of litter. Make sure to get rid of all such mess. This litter must be eradicated at a distance of (2 miles) and disposed of as per the government regulations. This step is extremely critical for the prevention of diseases.  Wash Wash each and every piece of slaughterhouse equipment now with a pressure washer with a foam solution. Keep applying the compatible detergent and disinfectant to be used and rinse it continuously with hot water. Similarly, wash the entire broiler houses with the same solution and techniques.  Clean Water and Feeding Systems After washing the entire broiler houses and equipment, you need to drain, clean, and sterilize the water system. Clear all the water pipes of the slaughtering house and equipment with high levels of chlorine and subsequently flush the water lines before the flock placement. Now is the time to disinfect the feeding equipment.  Fumigate After following all the aforementioned steps, the next thing is to fumigate the entire house, and this should be executed by trained personnel under the safety legislation and guidelines. Make sure to instantly fumigate each and everything after disinfection; surfaces of equipment should still be damp, and the house must be warmed. Next, ventilate the poultry house to eradicate the formalin levels. Detergents and Solutions for Disinfection The following are some perfect solutions that can fulfill the hygiene requirements of the poultry house.  Cresols The top effective solution is cresol which is obtained from petroleum distillation. They are usually applied to the soil or buildings in the absence of the flock. It is one of the most effective biocides.  Organic Phenols Organic phenols are usually recommended to be used in hatcheries for equipment sanitization. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds  QAT compounds are apt to decontaminate everything, including the equipment, housing, and hatcheries. Others Other important detergents include formalin and chlorine compounds. 

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